Welcome to the
Online Sperm Donation Project

Stories of online sperm donation are scattered across the internet, and there is no dedicated space for sharing the experiences of people who meet and conceive outside of the clinical route. Where stories of online sperm donation appear, they have sometimes been unbalanced and are usually retold by journalists and academics. Rarely are the unedited voices of people who use online sperm donation are accessible to the public.
At The Online Sperm Donation Project, we believe that personal stories of online sperm donation matter. Sharing your story - whether positive, negative, or somewhere in between - will be valuable and insightful for others who may be considering this path to conception.

Are you someone in the UK currently looking for sperm online?
Or someone in the UK who donates sperm online? Or, maybe
you manage an English-speaking connection website or social
media group?
If so, we would love to hear from you!