Below is a list of resources that you might find useful if you're interested in, or are currently undertaking, online sperm donation. If you have other resources that you'd like to share with us, feel free to get in touch
Human fertilisation and embryology
The HFEA is the UK Government's independent regulator overseeing fertility treatment and research. It provides free, clear and impartial information to all affected by fertility treatment.
Donor conception network
The Donor Conception Network is a supportive network of more than 2,000 mainly UK based families with children conceived with donated sperm, eggs or embryos, those considering or undergoing donor conception procedures, and donor-conceived people.
The seed trust
The Fertility Alliance is a national fertility charity offering support and accurate information for anyone who wants to know more about their fertility.
Rape crisis
Rape Crisis is a national organisation offering support and counselling for those affected by rape and sexual abuse. It also works to raise awareness of sexual violence and campaign for change.
Stonewall is a UK-based LGBT rights charity. It offers advice on donor insemination and fertility clinics for lesbians trying to conceive, as well as a guide for gay dads.
Fertility friends
Community support helping with infertility, adoption, parenting after infertility and moving on.
Mind: crisis helpline & counselling directory
For urgent support, Mind's directory of crisis lines can direct you to free and confidential telephone assistance. Mind also signposts to national counselling services, specialising in recovery from abuse.
British infertility counselling association
A registered charity and the only professional infertility counselling Association recognised by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and the British Fertility Society in the UK.
The survivors trust
The Survivors Trust has 130 member organisations based in the UK & Ireland which provide specialist support for women, men & children who have survived rape, sexual violence or rape or other sexual abuse as children.
Samaritans are a charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. They are there at any time for anyone who needs to listen without judgement or pressure.
NGA law
NGA law is a specialist fertility law firm based in the UK. They can help with all aspects of UK law for parents and donors building families through donor conception or co-parenting.
The LGBT mummies tribe
The LGBT Mummies Tribe act as a central point of support & a safe haven through providing information, guidance & knowledge on the available routes to starting a family through our website & social channels.
Suicide crisis
The Suicide Crisis Centres offer a safe place where you will be supported and helped through your crisis. They have a team of dedicated, caring, well-trained people who really want to help.
Victim support
Victim Support is an independent charity in England and Wales that provides specialist practical and emotional support to victims and witnesses of crime.