Share your story with us

Your story is really important to us and we want you to be as informed as possible before sharing your story with us. Please read our story FAQs
​Feel free to be creative! As well as written accounts of personal experiences, we welcome submissions of stories, anecdotes, poetry and verse, lyrics or any other form of writing that you feel expresses you best.
​All posts will be reviewed by a moderator to remove any identifying information or abusive content before being uploaded to the site here. All posts are anonymous.

Enter a first name that you would like to be associated with your story (required)
For example, Taylor
Are you a donor or recipient? (required)
Whereabouts do you live?
What is your relationship status?
Which of these do you identify as?
Tell us your story (required)
Please give us as much detail as you can
Which of these experiences apply to your online sperm donation story?