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Your stories

Through sharing stories, we hope to shed light on the highs and lows for people involved in online sperm donation.

By using the search and filters below you can read the stories of people who have experience of, or have tried to conceive via, artificial insemination (AI) or other forms of insemination arranged through online sites, which are sometimes referred to as ‘partial insemination’ (PI), or ‘natural insemination’, (NI).




Content note: sexual threats, mental ill-health

Tim's story

I was a relatively new donor to the scene, in my early 20's, when I had a very tough experience.



Content note: manipulation

Ellie's story

[Content removed to protect anonymity] manipulates sites to keep donors off sells sperm manipulates women into using him pesters women who don’t.



Natalie's story

I've been fortunate to have found a sperm donor who doesn't have a ridiculous amount of donor conceived (DC) children. At no point has he ever made me feel uncomfortable.



Alex's story

I became a recipient of donor sperm in 2021. It took months to filter the vast majority of donors.



Charlotte's story

Hi my partner and I have three beautiful children using AI sperm donation our son is 7 years old and our twins are 2 years old.



Content note: sexual violence, financial abuse, coercive control

Leanne's story

I started to read through some of the stories but it is too upsetting , I am also now having DD IVF again after it was cancelled in the Lock down and at 43 am v tired of it all.



Content note: chemical pregnancy

Sophie's story

I was looking for a donor in 2013. I was nearly 35 with a 10 year old daughter and had not had a successful relationship for some years but was worried about my fertility and age as I always wanted another baby.



Jo's story

I am a single, gay female. I found a sperm donor through a website called [Content removed to maintain anonymity] - like a dating website for sperm/surrogates/co-parents.


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© 2019 Online Sperm Donation Project, Leeds Beckett University

This project is supported by the Economic and Social Research Council.

Grant number: ES/W001381/1

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